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Jouanel Probac-CPro
Building site standing seam roll-forming machine. Compact Pro. Alu frame, right and left units removable.
Jouanel Probac-BA
Electric roll former for standing seam 220V transversal cutting and slitting integrated.
Jouanel Probac-LT
Light electric roll former for standing seam 220V.
Schlebach Quadro
Profiling Machine to produce sheet metal profiles.
Schlebach Mini Prof
Profiling Machine. Mechanical lock standing seam rollforming.
Schlebach Mini Light
Compact, light and demountable machine.
Schlebach SPM_3080
Mechanical lock standing seam rollforming with modular design.
Schlebach HPM
High speed multiple profile hem.
Wuko Master 0420
Roof panel machine for making the profile for single and double-lock standing seams (seam height 25mm).